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The Ultimate Beginners Guide To Wellness For Women

As women, it is so important for us to be live a fulfilling lifestyle. And it doesn’t matter if we want to live a solo lifestyle or want to get married and start a family. We are created with a nurturing soul that knows how to build, create, and renew.
When I first started a few years ago, searching for ways to improve myself and to work on my personal development, I came across the word wellness. And I’ve said YES, this is what I need. Because I was literally not feeling well. I was depressed and frustrated, and my body started to feel the consequences mentally and physically. So, in search over the internet on ways to improve myself and to be well, I started to search for the best ways to become healthy. I was amazed at what I had learned. During my research, I’ve realized that we often confuse the term wellness with other terms such as health, wellbeing, and happiness.

So, what is wellness actually?

There are common elements among the terms wellness, health, wellbeing, and happiness. Wellness is merely the active pursuit of activities, becoming aware of areas for improvements, and the making of choices that lead toward an outcome of a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle. Wellness is the cultivation of a healthy and meaningful lifestyle. It’s the active pursuit of physical, spiritual, and emotional wellness that are essential elements when you embark on a wellness journey. And at last, it is also important that you understand that wellness is an individual pursuit. We have self-responsibility for our own choices, behaviors, and lifestyles.

How to get started with wellness?

Cultivation by creating consistency and developing discipline.

Wellness is the conscious development of the whole self. Embarking on a wellness journey is a process of searching for the appropriate habits to make you a healthier and more fulfilled human being. Wellness is discovering essential ways to practice these habits for continued growth and development. As there is a great variety in all aspects of life, there are also countless ways to cultivate yourself on an ever-changing path of wellness.

Start by conducting a wellness self-assessment. This is the first step to learning and becoming aware of the needs regarding your current state of wellbeing. How well are you right now? It’s important that you acknowledge all the 8 wellness dimensions in the wellness self-assessment tool. I have created a self-assessment tool that will help you to establish your individual perception of your wellness. The self-assessment tool will help you to determine where you are thriving or what areas you will need to focus on within the 8 dimensions of wellness (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, environmental, financial and, occupational). Using this wellness self-assessment tool, you will discover and reflect on components of your health that you may not have considered before.

Next, I want you to think and consider the following aspects of wellness:

1. Wellness is an Active Process

Wellness is an active process where it is essential to become aware of, and make choices toward, a more meaningful and fulfilled existence.

2. Wellness is a Choice

Wellness is a choice because it is essential to make a decision every day to move away from a lifestyle that may cause a disease or move toward a lifestyle that encourages optimal health and maximum life.

3. Wellness is a Way of Life

Wellness is a way of life that is sensitive and responsive to all the dimensions of body, spirit, and mind. No matter what our state of health, Wellness calls for continuous improvement and self-renewal in all areas of life.

4. Wellness is more than just the absence of disease

Wellness is more than just the absence of disease; it’s a dynamic process of change and growth, that may lead to an optimum and meaningful wellness lifestyle.

The last thing you need to know about wellness

Choose to commit to yourself before starting your wellness journey, and remember this always:

  • This is your journey, and no one else’s. So, consider only what is essential to YOUR wellbeing, rather than what others think that you need.
  • Wellness is not only about getting the perfect body with toning butts [although those are great things to accomplish too], but wellness is about your inner and outer well-being including all aspects of yourself [body, spirit and mind].
  • Always try to remember the whole reason [your intention and goals] you started your wellness journey in the first place. Hold to that intention and be that intention.

Getting started on your personal wellness journey can seem a little overwhelming, especially with all that’s going on right now around the world. You are not alone, we are all trying to thrive to live mindfully and meaningfully. It may seem far from simple, but just start where you are now! Subscribe for encouragement and daily wellness approaches on how to continually grow in a lifestyle that includes an abundance of wellness.

Plethora Wellness Lifestyle Team

Plethora Wellness Lifestyle Team


  1. Jenae

    Thank you for sharing! These are all great steps for people starting wellness journey. Wellness is definitely a choice.

    • Plethora Wellness Lifestyle Team

      Hi Jenae..
      I glad you found meaning in this post.

    • Plethora Wellness Lifestyle Team

      Hi Harumi..
      It is indeed.. But most of the time we don’t stand still and work on wellness, especially in a holistic sense.

  2. Miranda Balogh

    Great article! You did a wonderful job explaining the concept of wellness. Thank you for sharing!

    • Plethora Wellness Lifestyle Team

      Hi Miranda..
      Thank you very much for your feedback

  3. Amy

    This is a great article!!! I really need to work on making it more about MY journey! Love this!

    • Plethora Wellness Lifestyle Team

      Hi Amy..
      Thank you for the feedback. And indeed, your wellness journey should be about you. If you are well, you will able to help those around to also become well.

  4. Katherine

    Personal Wellness is so important, but often forgotten with the hustle and bustle of life. Great tips! Thanks for sharing!

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